The update
It is exactly 6 years since I suffered a Tibial Plateau Fracture while learning to ski in Ontario. I’m happy to report that the current ski season started off in Whistler with no very few issues to report, yippee!
I’m not sure how many more of these I’ll write because I feel I’m becoming repetitive at this point. However, I STILL get an email or two every month (sometimes more) from others who have recently suffered the same injury so…I’ll keep it up for now!
Back to my earlier point of experiencing some issues: while skiing last week, I noticed my knee became sore after a couple of hours. My healthy knee was ALSO sore so it was likely the result of my lack of proper conditioning and aging joints. While I can’t reverse the aging part, I am definitely adding a more intense leg day to my workouts starting this week (just started today and I’m sure I’ll be sore tomorrow!)
Apart from this, there’s nothing new to report, thankfully. I’m still doing all the activities that I enjoy (walking/hiking, learning golf, skiing, weight training) and high-impact exercises like running and jumping still cause some pain so I avoid them. I’ve been asked if I’ve considered having the hardware removed, but since it doesn’t cause any daily problems I’d rather not go through another surgery.
Some trip photos
Here are a few highlights from the mountain last week:

And a few of our favourite spots off the mountain:

Here’s a fun photo taken 2 years apart (2024 on top and 2022 on the bottom):

It was such a great time and I’m grateful to still be able to enjoy skiing. Until next time, stay well and thank you for reading!